
Privacy Policy

This Policy regulates Our use of Your personal information for Our own purposes, including how You interact with the Website/ Application and information submitted to Us in all interactions with Us or the Website/ Application. If You do not agree with the provisions of this Policy, or do not want us to collect any information as mentioned in this Privacy Policy, please cease all interaction with the Website/ Application and leave the Website/ Application, and do not contact Us through any of the e-mail Ids, phone numbers, or other points of contact mentioned on Our Website/ Application. You may instruct Us to delete any information collected until this point. Your continued access and use of the Website/ Application, or the services offered thereon, or Your continued usage of any products purchased via the Website/ Application, imply Your acceptance of the provisions of this Policy.

We may update and revise this Policy from time to time. The revised Policy will be posted on the Website. You are instructed to periodically check the Website/Application to stay informed about changes to this Policy. You hereby acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility to check this Policy periodically and make Yourself aware of the modifications. If You disagree to any of the changes to the Policy, You shall refrain from using or accessing the Website/ Application, and the services and products offered thereon. Your continued use of the Website/Application after posting of the revised Policy shall indicate Your acceptance and acknowledgement of the changes and You will be bound by it. Failure to periodically check the Website/ Application for updates to this Policy shall absolve Us of any liability whatsoever.

Collection of Information:

Your use of the Website/ Application includes the collection of a variety of personal information from You. This is collected based on information provided by You to Us, from Your use of the Website/ Application and other sources. Personal information shall mean and include all information that can be used to identify, or link to You. Certain jurisdictions may include unique elements that are included under the definition of personal information. In the event that such law or regulation is applicable to Us, personal information as defined under this Privacy Policy shall also include such unique elements, even if the same are not mentioned hereinbelow.

The kind of information collected is detailed below:

● Personal information relating to Your account, involving Your full name, email address, phone number, payment information, information and content included in Your communications with Us and identifying information provided to Us certifying Your identity.

● Information relating to Your activity on the Website/ Application, including but not limited to Your location, IP address, clicks, scrolling, session heatmaps, timestamps, browsing times, transactions, load times, errors, internet service provider details, webpages visited prior to accessing the Website, browser and platform type, browser language and related details, documents downloaded, and specific links accessed by You from the Website/ Application.

● In the event that You purchase, or consider purchasing any products or services from the Website/ Application, or from Our Users’ webpages created using Our Website/ Application, We may collect such information pertaining to Your completed or pending purchases, or any purchases You considered making, and such information may be shared by Us to Our Users, on whose webpages you have made or considered making any purchases.

● Information provided by You through filling of forms on the Website/ Application, or through e-mail communications You send Us, including Your personal contact information, as well as the content of Your communications.

● In the event that You access the Website/ Application and/or the services provided by Us through a mobile device, We may collect certain uniquely identifiable information pertaining to You and Your mobile device, such as mobile device identification information, mobile phone numbers, geolocation, and other personal information. You may opt out of providing Us with Your geolocation information by disabling location services on Your mobile device.

● In the event that You purchase, or consider purchasing any goods or services offered on the Website/ Application, through a link provided by our Affiliate [as defined in the Terms of Use], We may collect and store a record of the link accessed by You to purchase such goods or services, and such information collected and stored by us shall also be made available to the respective Affiliate, whose link was accessed by You.

● Information provided by You to Us while registering for events, courses, conferences, or seminars organised by Us, and other services provided by Us via the Website/ Application or otherwise, including payment information and other financial information (including but not limited to credit card information and other payment information).

● Information provided by You in the form of text, images, or other files and materials, posted by You on commonly accessible areas of the Website/ Application such as forums, social media-like features, and other publicly accessible parts of the Website, although such information shall be part of the public domain, and shall not be protected by this Privacy Policy.

● Other information You submit to Us directly or through third party services.

Payments shall be made through third-party payment gateways as contracted by Us from time to time. Any such data or information collected by Us shall be collected solely for processing and crediting the payments to Us, and the same shall not be retained by Us following the successful completion of the payment. Any information collected by these third-party payment gateways shall be collected as per their own data collection and privacy policies and You consent to making yourself aware of such applicable third-party policies.

We also collect information from Our employees, consultants, job applicants, and other persons engaged by Us, including but not limited to professional or employment related information. Our usage of such data is specifically dealt with and governed by our confidential internal manuals, employment agreements, and other organisational policies, and the same are made accessible to the concerned persons whose information is being collected. In the event that We engage the services of third-party portals for the collection and management of such information, the responsibility to provide the applicable notices on collection of information lies with such third-party and not Us.

Information is also collected by Us from vendors, business partners, and other entities engaged by Us for the performance of Our functions and obligations as a corporate entity, including but not limited to, renting of offices and equipment, and purchasing goods and services. We treat such information as highly confidential as well, and is only used to administer and perform our obligations to such vendors and business partners effectively.

Use of Information

We may use information collected from You for the following purposes:

● To control Your access to Our Website/Application and services, to communicate with You, to communicate with any Sub-Account you may create, customize Your experience by providing information that may be useful or interesting to You, either directly through Us, or through other companies affiliated with Us;

● To provide and operate the services offered on the Website/ Application, including but not limited to creating Your account, creating any sub-accounts under Your account, registering Your domain name, processing payments or responding to Your queries;

● To send administrative information, changes in account settings,, changes to Our services or any updates pertaining to the services, and to establish and create a password and a profile for administering Your Account and Sub-Account;

● To carry out Our internal business purposes, such as corporate transactions, audits, and data analysis; conduct research and analytics about Your use of Our Website/ Application and interaction with Us; improve Our Website/ Application and Our existing services; identify usage trends; assess the performance of Our advertisements; optimize Our advertising campaigns; and determine the effectiveness of Our communications;

● To provide customised advertising or promotional material regarding products, services, third party affiliations and related services, offers, programs and promotions of the Website/ Application, which We consider to be of interest to You, or otherwise;

● To ensure the security and integrity of the services of the Website/ Application;

● To prevent interference, harm or injury of any kind to Us, Our rights, Our properties, or any users of the Website/ Application and/or services provided thereon;

● To analyse the use of the Website/ Application, and the people visiting and using the Website/ Application for improving the features of the Website/ Application. Further, the information provided by You may also be used to help Us in responding to Your requests and support needs more efficiently;

● To assist Our marketing partners by providing Your personal information to them for the purpose of promotional or marketing campaigns. We shall not be responsible for any harmful, fraudulent, harassing or other nuisance resulting from the activities carried out by such marketing partners owing to the sharing of personal identifiable information with such parties.

● To assist law enforcement agencies and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations if the disclosure of Your information is warranted by law or is warranted by any judicial proceeding by a court of competent jurisdiction.

You may, however, opt out from receiving newsletters, announcements, and other promotional communications from Us, by following the steps provided in each of Our communications to You. After receipt of Your request to opt out of such communications, We may still require some time to remove Your contact information from Our databases, and as a result, You may continue to receive such communications for a certain period after You decide to opt out.

Depending on Your jurisdiction, You may also opt out from sharing other information collected by Us.

In the event that You enable any “do not track” feature on Your web browser, the same may not prevent Us from collecting Your information, as We currently do not respond to such “do not track” signals provided by Your browser.

Third Party Disclosure

Radsky Sales and Marketing does not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose any of Your personal information to third-party data vendors, data brokers, or marketing companies. We will not disclose any of Your information to any third parties except with regard to the following instances:

● Your payment information is required to be shared with Our designated payment gateway;

● Your personal information is required to be shared with Our support services providers, business providers, or other vendors, who provide services that You have chosen to avail to assist with Your sales funnel or otherwise;

● Your personal information may be displayed as part of Our marketing and promotional campaigns for the services of the Website/ Application;

● Your personal information may be shared with our family of companies, who may use Your information in the same manner as this Privacy Policy, for marketing, promotion, and advertisement of their goods, services and offerings, which You may be interested in;

● Your personal information is required to be shared with government agencies as required by law;

● Your personal information is required to be shared with Our analytical software tools for tracking use of the Website/ Application in an effort to optimise the Website/ Application.

● Your personal information is required to be transferred to a third party, upon such third party acquiring substantially, or wholly, assets belonging to Us or our affiliates, owing to an acquisition, merger, liquidation, or any other such transfer, and Your personal information being one such transferred asset.

In the interest of protection of Your information which We may share with third-party vendors or business partners, We shall adopt policies and standards in Our dealings with such vendors and business partners, which guarantee the safety and protection of Your information. Such policies and standards shall be aimed to ensure that the usage of Your personal information by such third-parties is only to the necessary extent to carry on the intended purpose, and no information is shared by such third-party without Our explicit consent and approval.

We, however, cannot guarantee the compliance of such third-parties with such standards and practices, and We shall not be liable in any manner or form for non-compliance by third-parties of any such privacy obligations.

Use of Cookies

We set and access cookies on Your device to track the preferences and trends of Your searches in order to provide You with more personalized and improved services. You may reset the cookies to refuse such access by Us. However, in such a case, You may not be able to access some parts or features of Our Website/ Application.

We may provide cookies for the following actions, including but not limited to:

● Keeping You signed in

● Maintaining Your preferences

● Tracking analytical data of Your use of Our Website/ Application, extending to performance, operation and effectiveness

● Tracking data for the effectiveness of Our marketing campaigns

● Security and risk analysis programs, fraud protection purposes, and in order to identify and prevent cyber attacks

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but You can modify Your browser setting to decline cookies if You prefer.

We may engage the services of third-party entities to use these cookies to collect and analyse data relating to Your activities and usage of the Website/ Application. One such third-party entity whose services we employ for analysis of cookies and the data collected through such cookies, is Google Inc.’s Google Analytics. The details of Google Inc.’s usage of Your data can be found here: www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/ .

You may also find details on how to opt out of Google Analytics here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Security and Confidentiality

We understand and recognize that privacy on the internet is very important. We take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the information disclosed by You and will not disclose the information unless as provided in this Policy. We provide creation of password-protected accounts, which can be accessed only by You. We advise You to not share Your password with any other person and always log out before closing the browser window. However, We retain limited access to Your account in the event that You require support with Your Webpage(s), and members of Radsky Sales and Marketing are required to access Your Webpage(s) in order to rectify any error. In such instances, members of Radsky Sales and Marketing may utilise Your account credentials for the aforementioned purpose, and You consent to the same.

Protection of Your Information

Radsky Sales and Marketing undertakes to put in place all reasonable security and other measures, to ensure protection of Your information provided to Us. Such security measures and precautions include various aspects ranging from technical tools to administrative and organisational checks and balances, which conform to the highest industry standards, and all applicable laws and regulations. Our security policies, measures, and procedures, are regularly revised and updated as required under the applicable laws.In the event of any suspected security breach, or any other event that We believe may compromise the security of Your information, We have put in place specific measures and procedures to restore the security of Your information. We also require our vendors and business partners to immediately inform and notify us of any incidents that may compromise the security of any of Your information that We may share with them.

However, Radsky Sales and Marketing does not in any way guarantee that the security and other measures adopted by it shall be free from unauthorised access, which could lead to misuse, damage, or other alterations to Your personal information. Radsky Sales and Marketing shall not be liable for any claims, damages, losses, or other injuries arising out of any unauthorised access to, or circumvention of, Radsky Sales and Marketing’ security and other measures.

Retention of Data

We will retain Your data for a period that We deem necessary for providing services to You in relation to Your account, or as prescribed under law, whichever is later, and should Your account be deleted at Your request, We will delete Your information, save what is necessary to comply with applicable law or requests from government agencies. Your information may also be retained for the purpose of Our legal defence in disputes raised by You or related to You.Users that no longer wish to associate and/or access the Website/ Application may intimate the same to Us. Your information and data, including personal information, shall only be retained for archival purposes in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

External Links

In certain situations, We may employ the usage of social media platforms, including but not limited to, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, as well as other third-party websites and applications, and may also provide features over the Website/ Application that connect with such social media websites, or third-party apps or websites.

Children’s Privacy

Our Website/ Application and services are not intended for the use of persons below the age of 18, unless express permission is granted by the parent/guardian of such persons, to use and avail of the Website/ Application and services thereon. Radsky Sales and Marketing does not knowingly or voluntarily collect personally identifiable information from persons under the age of 18, and We only knowingly collect such information with the express consent of the parent/legal guardian of persons under the age of 18, after such parent or legal guardian has completed the verification process in this regard.

In the event that We become aware of any personal information provided by persons under the age of 18, We shall promptly delete such information, and We also reserve the sole and exclusive right to terminate the account created by any person under the age of 18, unless specific consent has been provided by their parent/legal guardian.

Translations and Interpretation

Irrespective of any translations You may attempt, the English language version of this Privacy Policy shall be the effective and binding version, and in the event of any ambiguity therein, Our interpretation of the terms of this Privacy Policy shall supercede any other interpretation


If you have any questions about this privacy policy or your dealing with our website/ Application or any other features, please contact us at gaurangrgohil@gmail.com

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